Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Made Up World... Or Is It?

I remember the day Survivor was first aired on TV. I was so exited about seeing something new and fresh. A bunch of people living in a remote area trying to win money while they try to survive on what little food and water they had. Survivor for me wasn’t about who was the best to get the money but more of how will they coup with something none of those people ever done. I loved to watch them find ways on getting water and food to camp as well as trying to make and keep a camp fire going all day and night. This was my guilty pleasure in the past. I watch now Hell’s Kitchen, Wipe Out, Top Chef, Iron Chef, and any others I find I can learn new and cool stuff I didn’t know before. I am not one who watches those Bachelorette, American Idol or Jersey Shore because who in their right minds likes to watch people yell, fight, party, or date a lot of man/woman when you know it is no where real life. I just cant watch those shows because they seem so fake and made up just for your enjoyment.

Reality TV has become something of a fast track to fame in the Hollywood business. The year 2000 marked the start of Reality TV which started out slow but now its’ exploded all over the world and even the internet. Mostly everyone is trying their hand in the fame and riches by putting up amateur videos of really nothing special on You Tube, Facebook, and many other web sites. People hope that their videos, pictures, or etc.., will catch the eye of America and somehow get notice from big corporations which may give them a contract of some sorts. This has led to crazy, weird and dangerous things people will do for the once in the life time chance at fame. For instance, the Balloon Boy incident; here was a family wanting so bad to get back on TV that they would lie to the world and make their children go along with this outrageous act in order to get some kind of Reality Show in the future.

Reality Shows seems to have made people think that they have a chance at fame and fortune for they go all out just to get their five minutes of fame in hoping that this will be the thing that puts them on top. It seems to me that people seem to be getting lazier and don’t care to work or really do anything worth while in their lives anymore. With so much Reality TV everyone wants in on it just so not to work and live the life of a star.

With so much more I would love to say about Reality Shows there just would not be enough time in the world to type it all down. Today I watch Reality TV more for my own benefit and entertainment values. I have many doubts now and days about if Reality TV is real or not. Also, does Reality TV help people or does it change them for the worst. I like to believe all Reality TV is good ad real at some point but that’s not always true. Whatever it maybe I’ll watch when I have time too but aim not going to let Reality TV take over my life like RPG (role playing games; that’s another long story) have. It’s all up to everyone else on how they should view Reality TV and just remember it’s not 100% real.


  1. Your observation that it has become a fast track to fame is in interesting one!

  2. You are so right about people being lazy and wanting fame at whatever cost. Also, in my opinion, it is a fast track to fame.

  3. I agree people believe they wont ever have to work and depend on a reality show for their living

  4. Survivor sounds unteresting. But, I do not thibk I would ever watch it because I am not all that into reality shows.
